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Chilton, Meredith: The King's Peas
Artikel-Nr.: 224142
CHF 34.40
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Delectable Recipes and Their Stories from the Age of Enlightenment.
2019, 21x25cm, gebunden, englisch, 143 Seiten, illustriert

"Savour a delicious pumpkin soup, mushroom-stuffed veal escalopes, and the most decadent recipe for hot chocolate in The King's Peas, a cookbook full of surprises and delectable treats. This is a treasure trove of recipes transformed from French and English cookbooks of the 1600s and 1700s you can use today, all accompanied by fascinating stories about a food culture that still influences our own. - The King's Peas is richly illustrated with paintings, cookbooks, and works of art in silver, glass, and ceramics from major private and public collections, along with some unexpected contemporary art to delight the eye."

Das Buch enthält auch Fotos von gestrickten Kunstobjekten von Madame Tricot, Dominique Kähler Schweizer.

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