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Richmond, Katherine: Herbal Pleasures. Cooking & Crafts
Artikel-Nr.: 1075
CHF 6.00
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

1995, 30.5cm, gebunden, englisch, 128 Seiten reich illustriert.

How to Use Herbs in the Home, With Over 120 Original Recipes, Decorations, Gifts and Bathtime Preparations.
"Hoe to use fresh and dried herbs in all their glorious abundance, making the most of their scents, flavours and health-giving properties and throughout the year. Contains 80 delightful easy-to-make craft ideas, including scented candles, herbal pomanders and posies, decorative cards, tablepieces and garlands and natural cosmetic preparations. Includes over 40 innovative herb recipes. Instructions for making natural herb remedies."

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